
发布日期:2021-10-08浏览次数: 次信息来源:

ncode 2020年技术研讨会聚焦于新能源汽车,测量,仿真与数字孪生,数据分析和可靠性分析。如您对某个讲座感兴趣,可通过链接回看:

ncode 2021年技术研讨会将继续在线上举行,将聚焦于材料疲劳试验,先进材料特型和仿真。下面是研讨会日程安排,欢迎注册参加。

session #1 - fatigue simulation of joints

joint fatigue modelling
dr. andrew halfpenny, prenscia (hbk)

the stress severity factor in joint fatigue life of aircraft structures
mr. steve dosman, fraes, av8r consulting

modelling stress severity and bearing bypass in ncode designlife from fe stress analysis
mr. paul roberts, product manager, prenscia (hbk)

session #2 - fatigue simulation of welds

fatigue simulations of welded joints at nio
mr artur tarasek, durability cae, nio

fatigue life prediction of welds from finite element results
mr. jeff mentley, prenscia (hbk)

thin sheet welded joint fatigue testing, failure mode validation and failure criteria
mr. rob plaskitt, prenscia (hbk)

session #3 - wire-arc additive manufacturing

new wire additive manufacturing (newam) programme for next generation wire based additive manufacture
prof. stewart williams, director of the welding engineering and laser processing centre, cranfield university

structural integrity of titanium ti-6al-4v additively manufactured by w-ded
professor xiang zhang, coventry university

cyclic deformation and fatigue behaviour of titanium ti-6al-4v additively manufactured by w-ded
dr. abdul khadar syed, coventry university; mr. rob plaskitt, prenscia (hbk)

session #4 – surface treatment of aircraft landing gear

the requirements for safe-life of landing gear for aging aircraft through overhaul and maintenance processes
mr. andrew clark, landing gear systems, usaf

tools and methods for landing gear fatigue analysis with surface treatment effects
mr. ben griffiths, chief engineer, select engineering services

application of laser shock peening to safety critical components and structures
dr. niall smyth, coventry university

session #5 - advanced materials characterisation & testing

mechanical testing capabilities at the prenscia amct facility
dr. michelle hill, head of materials testing, prenscia (hbk)

the challenges of very high cycle fatigue testing
dr-ing. yevgen gorash, weir advanced research centre, university of strathclyde

fatigue testing of materials and fatigue characterisation
dr. andrew halfpenny, prenscia (hbk)

fatigue characterisation of welded joints
dr. cristian bagni, prenscia (hbk)

session #6 – electric vehicle durability & reliability

durability and reliability of electric vehicle battery structures
dr. andrew halfpenny, director of technology, prenscia (hbk)

electric vehicle battery testing

series summary and close
prenscia (hbk)

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